At January 24th 2019, there was an event in my school (SMA 3 Bandung) called Edu Passion. This event is held anually to help the students pick the major they want to get into. So a bunch of majors from a bunch of university came to my school like LSPR (London School of Public Relations), UI (Universitas Indonesia), ITB (Bandung Institute of Technology), ITS (Selpuluh November Institue of Technology) ans many more. There are a lot of stands to explain the the major, explain what the pros and cons are, and explain how can we get into this major. And also there are some major that can presentate infront of everyone, at grade 12's classroom for 30 min - 45 min. When I go to stands, I always ask the person how can i get a scholarship, and a lot of uni accept scholarship from test. At 12 o'clock, i perfomed angklung. We played Halo-Halo Bandung and Haririnh Haleuang Tembang.